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Meet Algolia

Phase2's Partner for Supercharged Site Search

Meet Algolia

Request a Site Search Audit
Algolia + Phase2 = Supercharged Site Search

Is your site search ready?

The digital landscape has changed dramatically in recent years. Customers expect more out of their digital experiences than ever before. And 45% of customers are more likely to use self-service than they were before. 

Your customers may be looking for a new doctor after a diagnosis, or how to apply for a loan for their dream home, or ways to support your non-profit. They're making life-changing decisions based on what they find, and they demand relevant results. 

And the future of your business depends on the digital experience your website provides.

Phase2 guides industry-leading companies to what’s next in their digital landscape. We've earned our position of leadership through a culture of constant invention, 20 years of experience, and trailblazing work

With Algolia Search, Phase2 can help you move beyond content-based site search to predictive, intent-based, customized search results with a simple yet robust API. 

Your global search solution includes: 

  • Fully hosted site search API, up and running in minutes 
  • Customized, personalized, and optimized search results with immediate insights 
  • Improved search result relevancy and ROI with Algolia's AI capabilities 
  • Frontend flexibility for optimal UX
black circle with a white Phase2 logo on the top, a blue plus sign in the middle and a white Algolia logo at the bottom.
Algolia Search is easy to use with a simple yet robust API.

With Algolia, difficult, techy search configuration is a thing of the past. 


If you are still relying on your dev team to implement complex configurations to your site search tool, we feel your pain—and we have a solution. Algolia has taken all the hard work out of site search configuration with its simple and robust API. 

It's so easy, a marketer can do it.

Hack your website ROI with predictive, intent-based AI-powered site search. 


In a world where effortless digital experiences are demanded, you can no longer rely on content-based site search results to give your customers what they seek. Algolia enables you to easily configure predictive, intent-based results that are highly relevant to your website users.

Algolia Search offers better answer relevancy.
Algolia Search can process results in a variety of languages.

Take relevancy a step further with multilingual capabilities. 


Are your multilingual customers searching your website in their preferred language? Not every site search tool can return relevant results in English based on a search in another language—but Algolia can. With Algolia Search, you can easily configure results even if your customer searches in a different language.

Request a Site Search Audit

How does your site search perform? Now through January 15, 2023, we're offering a free site search audit where we'll test your existing search tool and identify any issues with speed, accuracy, and relevancy.

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